Adding tools to the trade

After already blogging about the toolbelt theory, I have had some additional thoughts. Just because we already have a toolbelt equip with the tools we need for the trade, does that mean we wont need any other tools to assist us? After reading numerous posts about resources on Laurenn’s blog here and here, I have come to the conclusion that you can never have too many resources. As Laurenn puts nicely in her post about not having x-ray vision, and the fears she has about students being distracted by games on their computers, there are always resources available to assist us with the teaching and monitoring of ICTs. What’s more, a resource called Scootle aims to assist teachers by providing a comprehensive list of resources that are available for particular subjects and curriculum contexts. I feel that teachers are often too proud to ask for help or find resources to make their lessons easier. I feel that the toolbelt is something that never stops growing. The more we learn and practice using these resources the more the belt grows and the better teaching we provide to our students. Anything to make our lessons a little more engaging and a little easier to manage is a win!

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